5 July 2016

How You Can Predict Correctly, If an Egg Has Gone Bad Within 1 Minute

It happen sometimes, when your kids are hungry and you decide to make a quick omelet to appease them. You crack open a few eggs into a bowl and to your frustration and dismay, one of the eggs is rotten. It’s too late; all of your eggs are now spoiled. You need to throw them all away and start again. If this scene sounds similar to something you have experienced, then you soon will value the ability to tell if an egg has gone bad just by looking at it.

How to Check Your Eggs

To begin, you need to fill a bowl with cold water; then place the egg inside. If the egg sinks to the bottom, you know the egg is good. If it sinks but remains standing on its point, it is still good, but you better use it quickly because it will not remain good for too much longer. If it floats, throw it away. The reason that old eggs float is because as eggs get old they lose a lot of their liquid. The liquid inside the egg evaporates through its porous shell; this is why the old egg floats instead of sinking.

Always discard any eggs that have an odd appearance or odor, even if they past this test.

How to Keep Your Eggs Fresh for Longer

Are your eggs going bad more quickly than you think they should? If so, it may be because you are not storing them correctly. Most refrigerators have egg compartments in the door; however, this is actually the worst place in your fridge to store your eggs.

What you should do is put your eggs in the main part of the fridge; this part of the fridge is colder and the temperature is more stable.

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